ISO9972 Air Infiltration Test
How leaky is your house? Find out how much and where they are.
Service Description
For booking enquiries please give us a call on 0490 485 370. The average Australian home is very leaky, wasting hundreds of dollars every year on heating and cooling bills - energy that just flows outside. Blower door testing is mandatory in many countries and you'll see why when you experience a test. Our assessor is accredited with Air Tightness Testing and Measurement Association (ATTMA) and Air Infiltration and Ventilation Association of Australia (AIVAA). Suitable for builders as well as owners and renters. The test involves measurement and calculation of building volume and envelope areas, blower door test according to ATTMA standard and report which includes results in air changes per hour (ACH50), air permeability (AP50) and other parameters. We can also detect and document areas of leakage if requested. Travel is included within the Baw Baw Shire. Please call for a quote if your home is outside this zone. $100 discount for BBSN members- we will refund this at the time of the assessment on confirmation of your membership.

Cancellation Policy
For cancellations, please let us know 24 hours in advance to avoid forfeiting your deposit. We will make every effort to reschedule your booking if you need to.
Contact Details
0490 485 370
9 Campbell Street, Yarragon VIC, Australia