One of our main goals at BBSN is to advocate on behalf of our local community.
We aim to encourage State and Federal governments, as well as the Baw Baw Shire, to adopt more sustainable practices and assist our local community to live a more energy efficient and comfortable life.
Our work includes lending support to like-minded organisations, as well as educating and encouraging our local community to lead more sustainable lives.
We are currently advocating for the Baw Baw Shire Council to adopt the SSF (Sustainable Subdivisions Framework) and ESD (Environmentally Sustainable Design) principles, so that all new developments adhere to a set of sustainable practices.

CASBE has developed Sustainable Subdivisions Framework (SSF) for new residential developments based on:
1. Site layout and liveability
2. Streets and public realm
3. Energy
4. Ecology
5. Integrated water management
6. Urban heat
7. Circular Economy
As the Baw Baw Shire is growing at an exponential rate, we strongly believe that all new developments in our Shire need to adhere to this framework, to ensure we all live in a healthy and thriving community.
Head to our Advocacy page for links to lots of relevant documents HERE
Join us on July 28th for an online event focusing on this important topic.
We have Brendan Condon (developer of 'The Cape' in Cape Patterson) and Bridie Guy (CASBE and former strategic planner with the Wodonga City Council) presenting to our community.
Head HERE to book.