Anj Reddy explores the intricacies and benefits of following a Mediterranean Diet. October will be your chance to learn about food and health with Anj Reddy; Lecturer, Dietetics and Human Nutrition, at La Trobe University.
Anj will explore the intricacies and benefits of following a Mediterranean Diet.
WHEN: THURSDAY OCT 24TH 2019 7.30 TO 10.00 p.m.
(In the Railway carpark at the corner of Howitt and Alfred Streets, Warragul.)
This will sell out fast, so we suggest pre-booking of tickets is a good idea.
Tickets are $9 for members and $12 for guests and includes a light supper, tea and coffee.
For bookings and further information please go to
There will be a display table at the event, featuring information regarding Home Energy Efficiency and how to combat bill shock. Bring an electricity bill with you and we will have experts there who will be happy to talk to you about how you can make your home more energy efficient.